Mock Makeup Demo

We got to meet Danielle Mock as she did a makeup demonstration for our class! It was really cool getting to see a real makeup artist at work. For our class, Danielle was going to be recreating a sunflower look. Here you can see Danielle priming G's face and setting it with foundation and finishing it off with powder. The picture being held is Danielle's inspiration for the look she is going to do. 

Then you can see Danielle when she drew the outline of the design onto G's face. This was done with a light brown pencil. 

After this Danielle filled in the petals of the sunflower with yellow face paint and a shade of white to create a deeper look. 

Next she did the green petals with the same technique of dark green and a light green highlight. 

Finally she topped it all off with finished the branches and adding more shades of color for depth and to make the makeup really stand out! It was a great class! 

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