Old Age/Hair

First we had to do the foundation of our basic corrective, but we didn't use the green or yellow stick to cover any markings on our face. Then after we used the age booth app to see where our age lines would be and by making odd faces to see where our real lines would be we drew the old age wrinkles and bags with a brown contour pencil. 
Then we took our highlight color and highlighted these lines and wrinkles by putting the highlight on top or outside of the wrinkle lines. 

After that we blended the contour down and in. The highlight we blended up and out. Here is the age lines after being blended. My stick is a little too dark for me, so the lines are still darker than preferred. 

The picture of the left is before I thinned my lips. I put my foundation color on half on both of my lips to make them smaller and to make the cupid's bow less noticeable. 

Then we put the white onto our eyebrows with the eyebrow brush to make them grey and we put blush on our cheeks and nose and chin. We also put a little highlight on our nose and chin too! This step completes our old age look!!

Next was facial hair! To make our brows and mustache, we traced them on the netting with our liquid latex. Then we'd work our way in and up on each part, painting a layer of latex and pressing some hair into the rows to make thick eyebrows and mustaches. This is what the hair looked like before and after when they were complete. 

Into the next class it was time to combine the two looks! First we had to cut the brows and mustache out of the netting. Mine got stuck together and I had to use powder to separate them as you can see here.

We then recreated the old age makeup, so we could put the hair on. This one was easier to blend because I had a lighter brush. Here is this day's old age look on me and Nicole. 

Next we painted spirit gum on our eyebrow and mustache pieces. As that dried we wiped off any makeup on our upper lip or brows with a baby wipe so the eyebrows and mustaches can really stick onto our face. 

Then once the spirit gum was tacky and not wet anymore we stuck it on our face to create this old and hairy look!! I kind of look like the lorax, but here you go!! 

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